Port of New York and New Jersey surges ahead in 2024

UpdataTime:2024-04-26 15:03:13

THE Port of New York and New Jersey is off to a robust start in 2024, showcasing impressive growth and resilience in operational metrics, reports container-news.

In February, the port reported a substantial increase, handling a total volume of 632,455 TEU - a 10.7 per cent surge compared to February 2023.

The year-to-date figures are equally encouraging, with throughput reaching 1,299,801 TEU.

The growth was driven by a 15.2 per cent rise in imports, reflecting increased demand for goods entering the region.

Despite a challenging economic backdrop, exports also demonstrated resilience, registering a three per cent uptick during the month.

Additionally, the port experienced a significant surge in rail volume, highlighting its pivotal role in facilitating inland transportation and connectivity.

These positive developments underscore the Port of New York and New Jersey's importance as a critical gateway for international trade in the United States.

The port's strategic investments in infrastructure and operational efficiency continue to position it as a critical player in the global supply chain network, driving economic growth and supporting regional trade flows.